The Alpha Kappa Chapter of Chi Omega was founded on January 21, 1984 at North Carolina State University. Chi Omega is the largest women’s fraternal organization in the world with over 320,000 initiates and 174 collegiate chapters (even larger than the Girl Scouts!) founded in 1895 at the University of Arkansas.
Chi Omega
Founded: April 5, 1895 at the University of Arkansas
Colors: Cardinal and Straw
Symbol: Skull and Crossbones
Mascot: Owl
Flower: White Carnation
Motto: "To be womanly always, to be discouraged never"
Philanthropy: Make-A-Wish Foundation
In Chi Omega, there are six great purposes that have been stressed. These include friendship, high standards of personnel, sincere learning and scholarship, community service, participation in campus activities, and career development. Members are encouraged to develop appreciation for the things in life that contribute to a finer culture, habits of responsibility, attitudes of understanding, standards of conduct that make it possible to attain the purposes, and interest in learning.
In 2014, we were one of the 23 Chi Omega chapters in the nation to win the Chapter of Excellence Award. We participated in the Nancy L. Walton Leadership seminar in 2024, as a chapter. We also won the NC State Sopher Cup in 2011 and receive numerous Standards of Excellence awards each year. Chi Omegas participate in many activities both on NC State’s campus and in the Raleigh community. We currently have sisters on the executive boards of AASAP, Campus Ambassadors, and multiple honors fraternities. Sisters have served as senators on the Student Government Association and in their respective college governing organizations. Others participate in club sports such as volleyball, lacrosse, soccer, and we have many more on numerous intramural teams! Chi Omegas are also involved in activities such as Order of Omega, YoungLife, and college reps for large brands, such as Alani Nu, Coast, and Southern Tide. Chi Omega partnered with our philanthropy, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, in 2002. In 2023 we raised over $20,000 for the Eastern Carolina chapter of Make-A-Wish. We put on a pancake dinner each semester, host Wish Parties, and participate in Wish Week to donate to an amazing cause.
Our amazing housing corporation got an off-campus sorority house for us at 3412 Greek Way. It currently accommodates 42 sisters and has numerous amenities including free parking, a full meal plan with our chefs, and 3 studies. We take so much pride in the beautiful state our home is in and absolutely love living here during our second year as Chi Omegas.
Wherever we go, we’ll always have Chi O! As you can tell, our sisters take a lot of pride in being a Chi Omega. These are some of our most proud moments that show off how special all of our sisters are!